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Version 2.1 - 01/09/2024

Robert Schinkel hereby grants you access to and publishes texts, images, and other materials for informational purposes. Robert Schinkel reserves the right to modify or remove any content at any time without prior notice. The information on is intended to be non-binding and does not constitute a concrete offer to enter into an agreement. Agreements are only made by accepting an explicitly designated offer from Robert Schinkel.

Terms & Conditions

All products and services provided through the website are subject to the general terms and conditions. The general terms and conditions can be read [here]. Robert Schinkel reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions.


Robert Schinkel strives to update and/or supplement the content of the website as frequently as possible. Despite this care and attention, it is possible that content may be incomplete and/or incorrect.

The products and services offered on the website are provided without any form of guarantee or claim to accuracy. These materials may change at any time without prior notice from Robert Schinkel.

In particular, all prices on the website are subject to typographical and programming errors. No liability is accepted for the consequences of such errors. No agreement is concluded on the basis of such errors. Price changes are reserved.

Third-Party Links

The website may contain links to third-party websites. Robert Schinkel is in no way responsible for the content or use of these websites, or for any consequences of visiting any of these linked sites.


Linking to and referring to this website is always allowed. Robert Schinkel does appreciate being informed of such references.


All intellectual property rights concerning this site, the services, and products are held by Robert Schinkel. Copying, distributing, and any other use of these materials is not permitted without written permission from Robert Schinkel, except as otherwise determined in mandatory legal regulations (such as quotation rights).


This disclaimer may be amended from time to time.

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